What type of agency personality Profile are you?

Take our simple quiz to find out if you're the Richard Branson of your agency, or the Branston Pickle. Feel free to share your result amongst your compadres and colleagues.

20 minutes until pitch time, the
presentation TANKS out and
won’t open. Do you...

One of your longest standing
clients puts you on notice.
Do you...

A client invites you to an All
Agency meeting.
Do you...

It’s review time and you’re about to
sit down with your line manager.
Do you...

One of the recent graduate joiners is
starting to seriously impress.
Do you...

The Head of HR has organised for you
to attend an expensive residential
training course.
Do you...

One of the main agency clients has
requested that you attend an
industry jolly seminar the next day.
Do you...

So what agency personality profile are you?

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